

I have spent many years as a therapist working with clients in a very “outside the box” way.  Very early on in my career I recognized that real change needed to happen in the neurological firing of the brain and that meditation was the way to get into the mind to do this work. Through this work my company, Third Eye Global was born.

The mind has a story for every life situation we have ever experienced.  The more we put our attention on the topic that bothers us the more deeply invested we get into the story.  Our body only knows what the mind tells it.  If we think upsetting thoughts and stories, our body will make us feel intense negative emotions and eventually we will create disease from the dis-ease of the mind.

In order to shift this, we must first realize, we are not our minds or our thoughts.  To get relief from our minds we need to find stillness.  Sitting in stillness, closing our eyes and slowing our breath is the first step.  From here we learn to meditate and soon become an observer of our minds.

Our minds are endless storytellers.  

We use meditation to process our lives, our past and find answers for our present.  

When we can observe our thoughts we can reprogram them.  We can heal the damage that our minds have done through unconscious thinking and feeling.  We can begin to consciously create the reality we want and stop living the memorized program of the past.

It starts with uncovering the unconscious program and working to release it. Then we must create a new desired reality in our thoughts. Even when everything in our current reality tells us the change we want is impossible we can still bring in that change but it must happen within the mind first. We must invest so much time and effort creating a new reality inside our heads that we find ourselves taking actions in our lives that are in alignment with the new reality even though it hasn’t quite manifest yet. This is the first true step to manifestation.

To learn more explore the Third Eye Global tab above.